Sunday, May 26, 2019

102-year-old woman forced out of her home so landlord's daughter can move in

Thelma Smith is a 102 year-old widow who is being evicted from her apartment in Los Angeles at the end of June 2019.  She served as a former executive secretary for the Sugar Ray Youth Foundation,  which seeks to build self esteem for underprivileged youth and prevent juvenile delinquency for over twenty years.

Thelma is currently facing homelessness and is in need of funds for relocation, possible housing and care.

Thelma is a strong and ever resilient woman who has done much for her community now seeks financial help.

Family and friends, we greatly appreciate any amount to support Thelma!

 “The only thing that I can say is that I’ve tried to live a good life, I’ve never wanted to harm anybody." - Thelma Smith

Thank you so much for your help! We are appreciative to support a brilliant warrior who has lived a long and grateful life.

102-year-old woman forced out of her home so landlord's daughter can move in

Friday, May 24, 2019

Funeral & Relocation Expenses for the Epp family

Andrew Gabriel Epp was a gentle, beautiful soul. He loved the outdoors, fishing, camping, horticulture and animals. Unfortunately, Andrew also struggled with mental health issues and, after a lifelong battle, took his own life in the early morning on May 18, 2019. He was 36 years old.

May is Mental Health Awareness month. The night before he passed, Andrew’s family were begging local facilities to admit him. They were turned away and told, because he wasn’t vocalizing he wanted to hurt himself, the earliest he could even see a doctor was August 2019. The thing is, often those considering suicide don’t vocalize their plans. They can be turned away in the moments help is most needed.

Funeral & Relocation Expenses for the Epp family

Monday, May 6, 2019

Meet the Canadian doctor who prescribes money to low-income patients

Two deaths, 54 other cases of severe bleeding tied to fake weed in Illinois

Veterinary bill for Ollie

Please help with the medical bills for dog seen being dragged behind a truck Friday morning (5/3), with a rope around his neck, in Spring Hill, FL. He is at the vet and in good hands. So far we know he has no broken bones, and he is about 3 years old. They are monitoring for internal bleeding. Very sweet temperament. Anything helps, if you cannot donate please share so we can raise awareness, and find the monster that did this!

Veterinary bill for Ollie

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Arsenic in Some Bottled Water Brands at Unsafe Levels, Consumer Reports Says

wow useful info to know. 

Keurig Dr Pepper suspends production of its PeƱafiel brand, as CR urges a full recall and tougher federal standards. What you need to know.

Arsenic in Some Bottled Water Brands at Unsafe Levels, Consumer Reports Says