Monday, October 2, 2023

Help Danny Lutz keep his farm in operation

Asking for the communities support financially, the once very successful organic farm is struggling.  A massive setback for him was being diagnosed with bladder cancer a few years back. He has also had over a hundred skin cancers removed and still more needing to be removed. The doctor bills are still piling up. Of course, last years record drought and this year receiving 2 seasons worth of rain in 5 weeks did not help. We had a total crop failure of our tomatoes. Normally we have 1/2 ton a week to sell.

If he doesn't have the vegetables we don't have the income. His tractors are down, in need of propane for house and greenhouses, taxes, vet bills, seeds for next year, gas, extreme medical bills, electric to keep his micro greens going, plastic for greenhouses, the list goes on. I hate to see him struggling, he is such a hard-working man.

He has always given to the community. During the farms good years, he was proudly supporting local animal shelters, hospitals, a large contributor to Forgotten Harvest- Michigan's largest food rescue organization, Capuchin Soup kitchen and supports Saffron Community Kitchen with providing food to people in need. During Covid he was donating vegetables, plants and meat birds. He's an extremely generous man, with a heart of gold.

I myself have always contributed to the local charities, food bank, senior center, medilodge, veterans, I love making gift baskets to help raise money for many causes in our community. It makes me feel good to help people in need.

I am just asking to please donate a little money to help Danny Lutz financially to keep his farm operational. So it can be once again successful farm. Any little bit we would be very grateful, so he can continue to grow clean, organic vegetables.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️.

Help Danny Lutz keep his farm in operation 

This Beloved Michigan Farm Supplies Detroit’s Most Popular Restaurants. It’s Also Struggling to Stay Afloat

Hospitality workers are fundraising for Maple Creek Organic Farm. Plus, Detroit casino workers have authorized a strike.

This Beloved Michigan Farm Supplies Detroit’s Most Popular Restaurants. It’s Also Struggling to Stay Afloat